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God is Preparing You, Do Not Give Up!

I can remember experiencing troubling times and beating myself up just because I felt that I did not have anything to keep going. Girl, I want you to know that many times we view the situation as an attack or a bad season but what if we change our perspective and look for the good. We know that on this journey with God that all things work together for our good- Romans 8:28. So you have to know that this time is not different. God is always preparing us for better. God works on the bigger picture. Remember that God’s thoughts and ways are higher and bigger than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9) and we can not even dream up the good things God has in works because they will always be bigger and better!

I want to encourage you right now to get in the mindset to not give up but to commit to taking the time to get in alignment with God in this season. To get in a stance of preparation so that God can uplift you can carry through this season. God is always preparing us for the next season even when it is a hard season so I encourage you to go to God and ask Him what he wants you to see in this season. God wants His children to come to Him and ask so that he can provide you with an answer. How loving is our Father in heaven that He would want us to visit Him to come and spend time with Him.

You can start getting in alignment with your preparation season in the following ways:

  1. Girl, just sit and listen to some worship music or in silence. Most times God just wants to hear from us and wants to lay something on our heart. Make room and space for God to come in!

  2. Begin reading a bible story or bible plan devotional in relation to what you are going through. It is okay to have some guidance on how to be still in that season. Give yourself the space to heal and feel. For example, if you are in a season of feeling a lot of doubt you can find a story in the bible or a bible plan on the You Version app to help you get through that season. You will feel so much better having some content that speaks to what you are experiencing.

  3. Find some uplifting scriptures that help you with this season and help you to feel better as you are preparing to overcome. I go to Pinterest and type in scriptures to go with the specific area of my life I am working through and there is a list of scriptures that someone has already posted. This helps because I can just start highlighting those scriptures in my bible and begin studying them. Then, I ask God what does that scripture mean for me. And, I take the time to pause and meditate on that scripture for a while. It may be hours, days or months and sometimes you may get an immediate answer. The objective here is to use the scripture for encouragement but to wait on God for the answer.

  4. Begin a routine with including God in each and every moment of your life. Meaning you are what you consume so fill your life with all of the things that align with God. Put up scriptures in your workspace, put stickers that remind you to pray or of scriptures on your car’s dashboard (I did this lol), put scriptures on notecards around your home, listen to faith based content throughout the day. It is so important that you feed yourself with things that draw you closer to God and remind you of how good God is and His character because tough and hard times will come and that is when you will need the reminder.

It is okay for you to get back in alignment with God and to take your time to do that. Remember that God is always preparing you and wanting you to be better and getting to the version of the child He is calling you to be for the Kingdom. Just know that God is always calling you for different reasons and different seasons. So, do not give up, take the necessary steps you need to take to get closer to God and work on those things that are hindering you from drawing closer. But whatever you do, do not give up. Because God loves you and cares for you!

Special Faith Friday Message from Toni

Peace & Blessings,

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