Hey Resilient Queen,
The most beautiful thing about a season is usually missed by the want of getting to the next. We miss the miracles, signs and blessings all because we do not want to be in the season anymore. The confusion, the pain, the suffering takes us too much space in our lives. We just want to press the leave meeting button on this never ending meeting facing the truth and reality.
Listen, I have been there so many times in seasons that surely do not feel like the best. I have felt the heaviness of hard, tough seasons many times. And, surely out of most of the seasons I wanted to run away from, I ended up learning the best messages and lessons from God. Isn't God so amazing that even when He knows our heart is to leave and abort the plan of the season, He still shows up to love on us and follow through on His end of the season?
We serve an amazing God. So loving and true. It is time we come to know that in our hearts. To know that despite what the season looks like we have a loving and caring Father that only wants the best for us. What if that peace and contentment is the position we take into our seasons to seek God and be still? Would it shift us, our hearts and our perspectives?
This is your sign to get in a seated position at His feet in the season you are in now. Become content and seek God for peace in this season. Seasons are temporary and they come and go. But, also don't forget seasons are full of blessing and lessons so look around and embrace it all. There is beauty at this time surrounding you. Keep the faith! 💕
Ecclesiastes 3:1
There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the opportunity to wake up and experience season after season. Your glory is all in that. You are such an amazing Father that you carry me through season to season. You are worthy to be praised. Father God, please fill me with focus, gratitude, contentment and peace in this season as we go through this season together. Help me to see the beauty in your very handprints in my life in this season. In Jesus name, Amen.
Relection Questions:
1. What season am I in?
2. What are the beauty marks (handprints of God) in this season?
3. What can I change within myself to fully embrace this season?
4. How can I get back to a seated position of surrender with God in this season?
5. What is my anchoring scripture in this season?
Do you always fully embrace tough seasons?
0%Yes all the way!
0%No, I dont have the time.
0%I try to but it is hard.
Peace & Blessings
Toni 💕