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Writer's pictureToni Simmons Husband

Spiritual Spring Cleaning Series: Be a Naomi

Listen, I wish I could tell you that I have been all the way together lately. But the truth is no I have been struggling to find a way to keep my head above water. That is usually how we see transition. We see it as a means to an end. The end we really do not even know what it is but we think if I can just see the light I will be good. This reminds me of Naomi in the Bible. In her transition to a new land she experienced a time of survival, a means to an end. She had lost her sons and she was in a grieving moment in her life. She was doubtful. She was discouraged. She did not understand her current season. But, she persevered and still moved forward in life even though it was hard. The interesting thing was she may had not known the purpose God had in her persisting and moving forward though the circumstances before her looked oppositional but God did. God wastes nothing. Ruth was inspired by Naomi's so much that she was going to follow Naomi and her God! Just that being Ruth's thoughts and words to Naomi when she could have taken a different approach and just left.

That right there tells me a lot about Naomi's character that Ruth would see her worthy enough to follow. Is not that what God wants people to see when they see us? To see God, to see a light that shines beyond the norm. Ruth had to see Naomi for who she served to say that she would follow Naomi's God. She had to see day in and day out what that relationship with God brought Naomi. Imagine if we lived our lives day in and day out through God that others were inspired to follow us and follow our God. They could see through their lens our transformative life from following God. This speaks to who we are being each day. Are you the same through and through in all the areas you serve in life. Or do you switch it up in front of others? Can people vouch for the God in you? Can they see God in you? Are you showing up in the image of God?

These are some real questions that need answers and provides insight for how we choose to be each day. See, we are becoming each day. We are always reaching that person we were always destined to be. We are given free will to choose how we decide to be each day. God gives us that and with that comes responsibility. Our responsibility to be who God needs us to be in the world. To be a change maker, a world shaker. To be the nice one, the one to forgive, the one to heal, the one to stand up. You see where I am going? Who are you being in each and every moment? Can God depend on people following your devotion to Him? Can God depend on you to raise up disciples? Can God depend on you to be the one to treat people right? Are you stewarding God well to others?

I think I can even say that those questions get real when you have been through brokenness, hard times, difficulty, pain, trauma or hurt. But, Naomi kept pushing forward. It is safe to say that she was indeed hurt and even was a little upset with God that she wanted to change her nae over it. But, god was still faithful to the light in her that shined His love and promise that drew Ruth to follow Naomi and the God she served. What if someone could see that through you? This is a call to action to get back to your grounding in God so that someone can see God through you- your actions, your forgiveness, how you treat others, your joy, your smile, the love you show.

Do not be afraid to get back to the basics and get into a genuine and intimate relationship with God. It is simple and I have literally been seeing it for a few weeks that we can get to the grounding in God by:

  • Reading, meditating and studying God's Word

  • Praying

  • Fasting

  • Worshipping God

  • Journaling

By devoting our lives to God we start to get filled up with God's character and get affirmed in the ways we should be and act each day. once we have that context we then begin to strive towards a life that is with God.

As I reflect on the woman I am becoming each and every day. I have to first give all thanks to God. In that I am immediately filled with joy and a feeling of warmness of all of the Naomi's I have had on my journey. Women who have shown me nothing but their true devotion to God. They are the light that ignites my fire for God each time I even come into contact with them. That is just how illuminating they are! This week I was reminded of that as I read some work by one of the women who shared her testimony. It took me back to intimate talks we had in the past. I mean tear-filled conversations about God that ignited me to continue showing up for God even when I was discouraged.

My prayer is that you will seek God so much that you begin to breathe God day in and day out that Holy Spirit activates in your every act in life. I pray that people get to see your light shine so bright that it draws them near you and they get to experience the God in you so heavy that they seek God for themselves and build a strong relationship with God. May your life be a reflection of God's character, love and light!

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