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Discipline at its Finest

You ever have so much to do but do not want to do A THING at all? Well, yeah I know we all have been there. That is exactly where I have been lately. I have so much to do but it feels like no time to do what I feel I need to do. I needed discipline. I needed to be true to myself. It was time to get real with myself if I was going to get results. After much needed reflection, I figured that I will come up with a schedule and stick to it. I mean for real this time.

Side note: I have a difficult time sticking to schedules and routines. I like switching thing up. I am not a by the book person. I like to have freedom to do what I want.

There were areas that I had to work on. Yep, I said it. It takes for you to do some self-examination to get discipline. Discipline is not just about getting the work done, it is about showing up and doing what you said you were going to do and sticking to it. If you can't be true to yourself, you can't be true to anyone else. And, if you have to be true to anyone be true to yourself. You deserve it!

So, we are going to get it together, sister girl. If you are feeling any of the following below you may need to try my tips so we can be nourished as a Queen:

* overwhelmed

* tired

* exhausted

* all over the place

* busy but not productive

* experiencing burnout

* lack of care

Well, it is time to get disciplined. It is time to take some time to really get clear on yourself. What do you truly want out of life? How can you accomplish your personal and professional goals? How can you consistently meditate? Do you need to schedule in prayer time? Like let's be real, we schedule in work, vacations, meetings and our daily tasks but do we take the time to schedule in what WE really need such as physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual self- care? If your answer is 'YES', then you go Queen!!! But if it's no, we are on the same page. It is time to get Disciplined for once.

Here are some practical steps to getting MORE DISCIPLINED:

1. Get your mind right, sis. - Listen you can't be talking yourself out of stuff. You have to be mentally strong to push through this time.

2. Find 3 items that bring you joy. - You are going to have to have something that grounds you when you feel like giving up. Let it inspire you and be your motivation.

3. Get a planner. - Please take this seriously. You will need to plan to get the things you want to see change for yourself.

4. Set a goal and stick to it. - Periodt. (with the dramatic hand) Stay focused. Stick to it. Trust me you will meet these goals. You are a warrior. You are strong and resilient.

5. Meditate and pray. - Honestly, you will need to process this thing out as you become more disciplined. It is not easy. Pray before, after and during. Trust me, you will need to meditate to understand what barriers are holding you back. And, you need to process how to move forward.

Sis, I was yelling at myself. Getting myself together, not you. But if you felt it, it was designed for you. In this journey, we have purpose. We have an assignment to fulfill and if things are getting in your way, let's work to stopping it. I don't think it's fair for YOU TO BE IN YOUR OWN WAY. So, take these tips and focus for the next 6 months and let's see where you are then. Remember a flower takes time to grow but when it blooms, its beauty is captivating.

Peace & Blessings


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