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Writer's pictureToni Simmons Husband

God + The Vision

Follow the Vision

There I was at another year, another Christmas where I felt that the years were just passing me by. Well, yes I was only 24 but I always had a need to be all of these #GOALS things by a certain age. It was not until after I graduated college that I seen the truth for what it is. Things had been revealed to me as to where and what I would be but I was missing the lights, camera and action. I was completely lost after college as to what I was supposed to be doing now that I felt I was not following what I thought was for my life. It would take plenty of tests until I realized that it is in God’s plan and not my plan. I was completely slowed down from the pace I was headed on. I was upset honestly because I seen my life totally different but I had to realize that i had been in control….well atleast I thought so.

When God reveals a vision to us, it is a reminder that God has a “much more” for our lives. When I speak on vision, I am speaking on those #BIGGOALS that we know we have seen and have been revealed and we know in our hearts it's for us.The vision can mean many things but it does not mean go run with it and make your own plan from it. Trust me that is a set-up. Wheeeeeeeeew, chiiiiiiiiiiild, you will just be wasting your time. Been there, done that. The vision God gives is for you to keep praying and obeying God each step of the way. Jeremiah 29:11 says that, “For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Well, there we go. God does all that He does for a reason. It is all apart of a larger picture and you just need to trust and obey God.

When you get the vision

# 1 Write down the vision. Make clarity of what you think all that you seen in the vision. This is just to get it all on paper.

#2 Take the vision to God. Ask about the vision. Seek the vision. Ask God what you could be doing at this very moment to use your vision or plan He has for your life to bless or encourage someone else. Practicing this will help with your faith. Wait expectantly because it is written already what is for your life.

#3 Rest in the Lord. Every day is not easy and there will be days where you feel like giving up. This is where you cast those worries to God. You don't worry about what you can not control. Just keep trusting and believing that God is going to to what He said he will do.

Trusting the vision is a test of faith. It is really believing God without seeing anything with your physical eyes. Its like continuing to walk without seeing the path. And, that can be quite difficult to know that you are struggling at the moment but the vision God shows you is peaceful and abundantly filled with joy. So, if you ever question having faith, just know that it is worth it. Having faith shows God that we trust and love Him.

Leveling Up in Faith

Having faith is hard, especially at the beginning! But to truly be honest with you it is hard because you need to probably put some work into your faith. It takes some serious work. Building with God needs to be a lifestyle and your faith needs to be a strong area when God is leading you on the path He has for you. But, I have some ways to help you increase your faith this year.

3 ways to increase your faith

#1- Quiet time with God

Having quiet time with God is so important to having faith. Because I am going to tell you that you will have days where you just feel like you are constantly being attacked. You are going to need to speak with God about some serious topics. Taking some time with God each day consistently needs to be a priority. You need to be having quiet time with God to get clear on the vision that God has for your life. You could really be playing yourself if you do not take time to talk with God. You can do a series of things when it comes to your quiet time. You can read devotionals, prayer time, plan from the bible app, read. As long as you are seeking God through that time it really doesn’t matter what you do.

#2- Keep a Journal

Writing in my journal has helped me so much as I am taking life day by day. Journaling helps me to process the things that I may be thinking about a lot or may be bothering me in a negative way. Most of the things that worry us we just need to play out the best answer to our problem. Writing out the situation can be that one thing that helps you process everything. It can play as a release to things that are on your mind. Journaling is good for the soul. It can also be used to talk with God. Some people use a journal as a form of prayer and will write to God. That is an option. I love writing in my journal, it is one of my favorites!

#3- Consumption

What are you consuming these days? Cardi B or Tasha Cobbs? Trap music or Gospel Music? Essential Oils or Candles? Reality TV or Podcasts? There is so much that goes into what you consume each day. Think of it like this. You continue to watch Love & Hip Hop Atlanta each week and begin to adapt the lingo from the show and do not even notice it. That simple adaptation can change the way you think, dress, act, treat other or even your mindset. So, choose wisely in what you take in because it is what you give out. Think about the life you want to live and pace yourself in what you consume to become that person. Take it day by day. Begin with some items that you may want to incorporate into your life that will improve your spiritual life. Like for an example, I wanted to become a prayer warrior and grow my relationship with God so I listen to faith-based podcasts, sermons and gospel music. I may specifically tune these in to start my day, when I am discouraged and to wind down my day.

"Faith is so hard for me I just do not know what to do to be honest…"

Well love, it is time for you to begin growing your relationship with God. I can remember being in my dorm room depressed and felt like I had no one. I can remember lying to myself and others that I was okay. I can remember having all the titles and rewards but still being unhappy. None of those things helped me at all. It was not until I took the time to seek God for a stronger relationship with Him. It was not going to change until I spoke with the Creator of my life. I had to realize that pride was not going to help me BUT GOD is my comfort, love and my joy. I mean honestly you will be fighting yourself for eternity until you begin to ask, believe and wait expectantly on God. This all starts with YOU.

I pray that in all you do, you will go to God and trust him with whatever His will is for your life. I pray that you will let God use you to bless and encourage His people to be believers.

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Peace & Blessings

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